пятница, 14 июня 2019 г.

Entry 1. 

My First Impressions and Expectation of the University Classes.

My first day at University is an important event in my life.As such to me it is unforgettable day.Because I dreamed to enter this university for a long tim.We walked turn round along the University with our new teacher.There are different faculty.At first I was very happy and I was afraid too.How I study University.But after I get used  to study and my groupmates.I like them and Iam happy to study with them.Also I like teachers of the University.Now I am pleased my studies.Картинки по запросу uzswlu

 Entry 2. 

My Computer Skills: Strengths and applications.

The Internet plays a significant role in the lives of young people today. Previous research points to advantages as well as disadvantages of the use of the Internet in a formal educational context. The aim of the current study was to investigate the influence of the use of the Internet on planning and instruction. The Internet can e.g. motivate the students, make teaching more fun, and allows variation in teaching. Equally vital is to acknowledge learning that takes place inside the classroom through the use of ICT. A number of researchers point to the benefits of using the Internet in formal education.Картинки по запросу computer
Entry 3. 

Listening podcasts and application.

English is an international language, used by academic communities around the world. Listening comprehension plays a critical role in language learning. It is not a passive activity, but rather a complex, active process in which the listener must discriminate between sounds and understand vocabulary and grammatical structures. In addition, acquiring listening skills can be frustrating for students because the process is devoid of those rules inherent in grammar teaching. One of the largest inhibitors for students is the experience of a mental block, when required to make a sudden decision based on information they have heard and not understood. This causes many students to ‘tune out’ or convince themselves that they are unable to understand spoken English well, negatively affecting their motivation.Картинки по запросу listening

Entry 4. 

Am I slow or a fast  reader? (based on internet offered  tests results)

For most people, it is easy to learn to read faster. Reading should be an activity which involves only the eyes and the brain. Vocalization ties reading to actual speaking. Try to think of reading as if you were looking at a landscape, a panorama of ideas, rather than looking at the rocks at your feet. Poor readers habitually read and re-read the same phrase over and over again. This habit of making "regressions" doubles or triples reading time and often does not result in better comprehension. A single careful, attentive reading may not be enough for full comprehension, but is often more effective than constant regressions in the middle of a reading. It is best to work on paying closer attention the first time through.Картинки по запросу reader

 Entry 5. 

Critical analiysis of online language learning resources.

Nowadays internet very useful to studying any subject,and search information which you don’t find on the internet.One side I prefer online reading,but another side I don’t agree with it.
When we use site which is helpful to our knowledge there are a lot of detale information,videos,rules and erudite films.It is encourage us.But another side it is useful face to face reading.For example,think your teacher is explaning you lesson,and you have a question immidietly the teacher explain it for you.And also you work with group it is useful,too.Картинки по запросу critical analysing


 Entry 6. 

My Test Taking Strategies.

People today are required to take more tests throughout their school and career lives than ever before. It is important to learn the skills and strategies that will enable you to handle all types of tests. Being in class, paying full attention, hearing instructor’s comments about tests and knowing what is expected is the first rule of successful test-taking. You cannot expect to do your best when you have missed important information or gotten it second-hand. If you must miss class, always check with the instructor outside of class to find out what you missed.I  Create Mind Maps, Collect Related Materials, Make a Study Checklist, Chapter Outlines, PREDICTING TEST QUESTIONS, GETTING READY FOR THE TEST, CRITICAL THINKING this are helps me to find true answers.Картинки по запросу test taking

Entry 7. 

The best project I made/Presentations I Made

During the our studying year I made a lot of presentation with my groupmates and by my own.The best project work I really liked it was a video.I made it the website called animaker.My teacher chose me a leader the group and we made a video also recorded our voices.When we saw our video at the end it was a beautifully.My teacher put us good mark.I never forget this video.I save it my personal computer. ÐšÐ°Ñ€Ñ‚инки по запросу best presentations  

Entry 8. 

How useful/effective are online self-assessment tests.

We believe that every assessment needs to be ”easy” and”eective”. We follow the definition of  Blandford et al.who define ”easy as a term that translates into less work for those carrying out assessment” and an ”eective assessment method” is ”one which, in the opinion of most faculty,produces results that lead to the improvement of a course,program, or curriculum”. Designing online assessment systems requires much eort to construct good questions, especially to assess higher order skills and some skills such as written expression or creativity cannot be tested at all. With careful planing and systematic monitoring online assessment can be a passable alternative in case assessment has to be accomplished with limited personal and financial resources.Картинки по запросу online tests

 Entry 9.  

Pros and Cons of different social media applications.

The role and use of social media in travelers decision making and tourism operations and management are widely discussed. The strategic importance of social media are high for tourism competitiveness. Slow progress are made by the industry in responding to business opportunities by social media. The online world is rapidly evolving and some companies may embrace new technologies due to the pressure to be digital but are not thinking about what it means to the business in a virtual environment. Theoretically, the increasing significance and attention of social media in tourism was coined as the growing number of articles was found over the past years. There are some challenges of intellectual property and data control for the development and dissemination of social-media-sources-involved. The phenomenon of social networking and the development of social media has been the most dramatic development in the information age over recent years. Citizen Journalists (individuals who tweet opinions and comments on the internet for others to see) need to be aware that they could be subject to law suits.Картинки по запросу social media

 Entry 10. 

Wrap-Up: Outcomes of the Course.

From my perspective this course was very useful especially for me and my groupmates. We learned what kind of  websites the internet has such as animaker,portfolio,blogger and so many language learning websites that I hope will beuse in my life in the future.We learned so much about what the internet contains containes,it has so many useful applicants and websites to learn from. I think overall it was beneficial for us to learn ICT. On Goals: “I don’t make pictures just to make money. I make money to make more pictures”.(Walt Disney)Картинки по запросу outcomes

Entry 1.  My First Impressions and Expectation of the University Classes. My first day at University is an important event in...